Area of Expertise:
My appointment is 75% extension and 25% research with major responsibility for weed management in fruit and vegetable crops. The long-term goal of my laboratory is to conduct agricultural risk analysis research and extension education focused on helping farmers better understand and manage diverse risks ranging from pests (primarily weeds) and food-borne pathogens to financial decision making.
Ph.D North Carolina State University
MS North Carolina State University
B.Sc (Agr.) University of Guelph
AA The Nova Scotia Agricultural College
Positions Held:
1987 - 1998 IPM Team Leader & Weed Specialist, Adjunct Professor - Nova Scotia Agricultural College
1978- 1986 Weed Specialist, New Brunswick Department of Agriculture
Farming is the ultimate high-risk, high-stakes enterprise. While few farmers describe themselves as risk managers, they make decisions every day that affect the food supply, the environment, and the health of humans. Our lab conducts agricultural risk analysis-related research and extension education focused on helping farmers better understand and manage diverse risks ranging from pest management to food safety to financial decision making.
Current projects include:
- Our lab is assessing impact of drift of the herbicides 2,4-D and dicamba on a wide variety of specialty crops to understand the risk posed by off-target movement (drift) of these herbicides from fields with soybean, cotton, an corn varieties engineered to be tolerant to them.
- Weed control is often the single most costly input required to grow high-value crops, but very few tools are available. The Doohan lab develop new technologies, especially herbicides, and the quantitative risk data needed to support registration of an herbicide by the EPA.
- Our lab conducts participatory research with growers to identify critical components of the fresh fruit and vegetable food safety curriculum. We lead the OSU extension Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team that delivers food safety programming to hundreds of producers each year.
- Organic farmers have strongly held social and cultural barriers that limit their contact with, and trust of, land-grant university researchers. Our research aims to dismantle these barriers and redesign organic weed management outreach through facilitating new networks of organic growers and incorporate current scientifically valid, ecologically-based practices already known to control weeds.