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Buckeye Appellation

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Ohio Grape-Wine Electronic Newsletter, or OGEN, is a monthly newsletter which addresses current topics of interest to you such as weather conditions, workshop announcements, pest updates, vineyard updates and much more.  To receive new issues via-email, please subscribe by sending an email request to Diane Kinney at

For the most recent copy of TGE, please use the link below.

THE GRAPE EXCHANGE and THE JOB BOARD - Items for Sale in the Industry/Job opportunities

Past issues of OGEN below.

  1. Looking ahead to the 2017 Vintage

    September 29,

    This months newsletter is full of useful information. You will find the following articles: - Vineyard Updates from Wooster and Kingsville -Initial Observations of the 2017 Vintage: An Enology Perspective -Acid Reduction Techniques in Must and Wine -Post modern Winemaking: Adjusting Acidity with Membranes -Vine & Wine News
  2. OSU Vineyard Updates

    August 31,

    See what has been happening in our OSU research vineyards and mark you calendar for the 2018 Ohio Grape and Wine Conference.
  3. Vineyard Updates and Diagnostic Tools

    July 25,

    Vineyard updates from Ashtabula, Wooster and Piketon as well as info on beneficial insects and disease diagnostics and photography.
  4. OSU Vineyard Updates and Grape Disease Control

    June 30,

    This newsletter includes updates from all three OSU vineyard locations as well as an abundance of information from both Dr. Wayne Wilcox and Dr. Melanie Ivey about Grape Disease Control.
  5. Vineyard Updates and More

    May 31,

    Vineyard Update from OARDC-Wooster Vineyard Update from OSU South Centers-Piketon Vineyard Update from AARS- Kingsville National Pest Alert – Palmer Amaranth Grape Berry Moth Vine & Wine News Additions to the Website “Buckeye Appellation” Upcoming Events Dave Scurlock’s Retirement Celebration
