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Buckeye Appellation

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Ohio Grape-Wine Electronic Newsletter, or OGEN, is a monthly newsletter which addresses current topics of interest to you such as weather conditions, workshop announcements, pest updates, vineyard updates and much more.  To receive new issues via-email, please subscribe by sending an email request to Diane Kinney at

For the most recent copy of TGE, please use the link below.

THE GRAPE EXCHANGE and THE JOB BOARD - Items for Sale in the Industry/Job opportunities

Past issues of OGEN below.

  1. 2018 Winter Updates and Upcoming Events

    January 31,

    * Cold Snap in Early January and its Impact on Grapes * AARS Update * Vine & Wine News * Ohio Grape & Wine Conference * Workshop Announcements
  2. 2018 Cold Snap in Early January and its Impact on Grapes

    January 19,

    Looking at temperatures throughout Ohio in early January and associated bud injury to grapes.
  3. 2017 Holiday Greetings from OSU

    December 28,

    Holiday greetings and new on a new Vineyard Advisor App
  4. 2017 Fall Updates and Upcoming events

    December 1,

    You will find interesting info from both the OSU Wooster and Kingsville vineyards. Winterizing your sprayer and Upcoming events to attend.
  5. Fall in the Vineyard

    October 31,

    -2016 Economic Impact Study -Vineyard Update from OARDC-Wooster -Vineyard Update from AARS - Kingsville -Suggested Vineyard Management Practices in Autumn and Beyond -Late Season and Post-Harvest disease Management in the Vineyard -Upcoming Events
