Managing injured vines after frost - May 2023
By: Imed Dami and Maria Smith, HCS-OSU
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By: Imed Dami and Maria Smith, HCS-OSU
By: Maria Smith, HCS-OSU
It sure does feel like March Madness, especially with the recent arrival of Ohio’s infamous “second winter”. Thankfully, the cooldown from February’s warm, spring-inspired weather will help us keep the vines asleep a little bit longer. This cooldown should help us complete this most important dormant-season activity: pruning. As a follow up to last week's pruning workshop, let’s go down the reminders of when, what, and whys of pruning.
Why prune?
The Wine Production Guide from Todd Steiner in collaboration between OSU and OGIC is now available for purchase through OSU Extension.
By: Imed Dami, HCS-OSU
By: Imed Dami and Diane Kinney, HCS-OSU
This article summarizes the 2022 dormant and growing seasons and the impact of weather on grape varieties grown on the research vineyard at the OSU-OARDC in Wooster, Ohio.
Weather: Temperature
By: Doug Jackson-Smith, SENR OSU
By: Tom deHaas, AGNR Extension Educator Erie County, intro by Maria Smith, HCS-OSU
By: Imed Dami, HCS-OSU
By: Maria Smith, HCS-OSU
This past week, I have received several questions on when, where, and what to shoot thin (ST), so now is the perfect time to highlight the importance of this practice. In 2017, I co-authored an in-depth article on shoot thinning with Dr. Michela Centinari at Penn State that can be used as a cited companion resource to this blog post.
By: Maria Smith, HCS-OSU
Finally! In the past week, the sun’s come out and so have the growing degree days (GDD). In fact, we have added 80 GDD (base 50 F) in Wooster since Monday alone. We pay so much attention to GDD because it is the primary driver of phenological development for plants. But did you know that it also determines insect lifecycles as well?