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Buckeye Appellation

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Welcome to our New Website!

Jan. 20, 2015

Welcome to the Buckeye Appellation, the Ohio State University grape and wine research and extension on-line resource!  We invite you to explore our website and uncover the wealth of information developed by our team of OSU researchers, Extension specialists, Extension educators, staff and students.  For current research in viticulture and enology, please visit the "Research" page.  If you are novice to this cash crop or wanting to refresh your knowledge about commercial grape and wine production in Ohio, please visit the "Grape Growing" and "Wine Making" pages.  To keep abreast of the current situation in Ohio vineyards, learn about research updates from the OSU team, or upcoming educational events, check out the "Newsletter" page.  Our Team has also developed several Extension bulletings and factsheets under "Resources" and one-click away for downloading on your electronic device.  Our goal is to increase accessibility of our work at OSU to the general public.  Enjoy and please send us your feedback!  Your suggestions are appreciated.