The American Society of Horticultural Science (ASHS) held its annual conference on 31 July through 3 August 2018 in Washington DC. During this event, ASHS announced the winners of the 2018 Extension Material Awards. The OSU Viticulture Program was among the 2018 winners of the Extension Material Award in the category “Video”. The educational video titled “Grapevine Canopy Management” was prepared by former graduate student Thomas Todaro and advisor Dr. Imed Dami. This educational video was the outreach piece of an on-going research project on Viticulture Best Practices (BVP). Thomas, who is currently a Viticulture Extension Educator at Michigan State University, was involved in this project and conducted BVP research of important grape varieties in Ohio. The video describes the main steps of canopy management after pruning and answers the what, why, and when of each step including suckering, shoot and cluster thinning, leaf pulling, and shoot trimming. The video is posted on Buckeye Appellation and can be found at this link: . The Viticulture Program acknowledges the funding agencies that supported this project including the Ohio Grape Industries Committee (OGIC) and USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA).