The Ohio State University
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Crowd listens at viticulture and enology combined session during the 2016 Ohio Grape and Wine Conference.
Dr. Dami talks to growers about research being conducted at Ferrente vineyards in Geneva.
OSU table with updated literature, website introduction and opportunities for growers to interact with staff and faculty.
Dave Scurlock and Dr. Gary Gao present at the Ohio Grape and Wine Conference
Greg Johns talks to attendees about one of the demonstration hilling machines
Dave Scurlock gives a presentation at one of our Grape Field Days
We thank Dr. Mike Ellis and Dr. Roger Williams for their combined 70+ years of service to Ohio growers and OSU
Dr. Dami demonstrates proper pruning techniques at a commercial vineyard
Todd Steiner discusses challenges in the vintage with wine makers
Donnie Winchell, OWPA Executive Director, Dr. Mike Ellis, Professor Emeritus, and Dr. Steve Slack, OARDC Director at the OGWC
OGWC attendees are completely tuned in during a presentation
Attendees of the OGWC benefit from the opportunity to talk with vendors at the tradeshow.