Anthracnose symptoms on leaves

Anthracnose symptoms on leaves
Numerous circular brown spots appear on leaves. In older lesions, necrotic centers may fall giving a tattered appearance
Black rot symptoms on shoot

Black rot symptoms on shoot
Black rot infections appear as elongated oval shaped black lesions (cankers) on shoots.
Black rot mummified berries

Black rot mummified berries
Berries affected by black rot shrivel into hard blue-black, wrinkled mummies, and remain firmly attached to the pedicel.
Black rot spots on leaf

Black rot spots on leaf
Circular to irregular shaped spots (lesions) appear on the upper surface of leaves.
Black rot symptoms on berries

Black rot symptoms on berries
Round soft spots on berries
Black rot lesions with pycnidia

Black rot lesions with pycnidia
Leaf lesions with fungal structures called pycnidia.