Powdery Mildew on leaves
Powdery Mildew on leaves
White or gray powdery mildew patches appear on the upper and lower leaf surface.
Phomopsis symptoms on shoots
Phomopsis symptoms on shoots
Elongated and sunken black lesions on shoots
Phomopsis symptoms on leaves
Phomopsis symptoms on leaves
Small light-green lesions with irregular margins appear early in season.
Phomopsis symptoms on berries
Phomopsis symptoms on berries
Multiple black fruiting bodies erupt through the skin, giving the berries speckled appearance and rough texture.
Sour rot on white variety
Sour rot on white variety
Sour rot symptoms on berries of white variety
Sour rot on Dark variety
Sour rot on Dark variety
Sour rot symptoms on berries of dark variety
Berries with downy white spores
Berries with downy white spores
Under humid conditions, Downy mildew covers the berries with downy white spores.
White Down mildew spores on infected stem
White Down mildew spores on infected stem
Masses of white, down-like spores appear on infected shoots, stems and tendrils.
Dense white Downy mildew spots
Dense white Downy mildew spots
During periods of wet weather and high humidity, masses of spores form on the underside of the leaf lesion. Lesions with spores appear as a dense white mass.
Downy mildew symptoms on leaf surface
Downy mildew symptoms on leaf surface
As the leaf ages, the Downy mildew spots turn brown (necrotic) and become crusty.
Anthracnose lessions on shoot
Anthracnose lessions on shoot
Shoots develop small oval shaped, purplish brown sunken lesions with raised edges.
Anthracnose - Bird's eye lesions on berries
Anthracnose - Bird's eye lesions on berries
Initially small reddish brown spots appear which than enlarges to purplish brown spots with lighter center, giving it a distinctive appearance of a bird’s eye.