Building Better Spray Programs for Vineyards
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Fungicide resistance to powdery and downy mildews is a growing concern for Northeast grape producers. Developing spray programs that focus not only on disease management, but also fungicide resistance mitigation can be challenging. This workshop is designed to assist crop consultants, vineyard managers or anyone who writes or recommends fungicide programs, with developing a fungicide spray program for wine or table grapes.
Preregistration is required. Registration closes Wednesday April 7, 2021.
The workshop will be from 2:00 PM – 5:30 PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time.
- Register for Tuesday, April 27, 2021: please click here
- If Tuesday registrations fills, a second day on Wednesday, April 28th may be added.
Registration will be limited to 30 people per day.
Cost: $35, covers workshop packet, video access, and direct-to-participant shipping
Pre-Workshop Videos
Prior to the workshop day, participants will get access to an online curriculum to learn from national experts in grape diseases and fungicide resistance management, about mildew diseases and management, best practices for using fungicides, and best sprayer practices.
This online access will include 5 videos that should be watched prior to the workshop start:
How Fungicides Work – Dr. Timothy Miles, Michigan State University
This presentation covers how fungicides work, from their biological to their physical properties. It describes the historical use of fungicides against plant diseases. Details are provided on how we classify and talk about fungicides, how fungicides are regulated, and how to read a fungicide label. It also briefly introduces the concept of fungicide resistance and discusses other factors that influence fungicide efficacy.
Fungicide Resistance Development – Dr. Melanie Lewis Ivey, The Ohio State University
In this presentation, the timeline of development of synthetic fungicides is discussed, along with the timeline of when fungicide resistance to these products had occurred. How fungicide resistance develops, and spread is presented, along with how application practices drives that selection of fungicide resistance in key plant diseases. Practices to help mitigate the development of fungicide resistance are introduced.
Disease Management and Fungicide Resistance – Dr. Michelle M. Moyer, Washington State University
Building on How Fungicides Work, and Fungicide Resistance Development, this presentation goes into detail on the specific production practices and approaches that can inadvertently lead to loss of disease control, and potential selection of fungicide resistance. Best spray practices and discussed, along with how to integrate cultural practices for improved disease control. How to build generalized spray programs that focus on fungicide rotation for resistance management are discussed.
Grape Powdery Mildew Management – Dr. Michelle M. Moyer, Washington State University
This presentation covers basic vine and fungal biology for the management of grapevine powdery mildew. Key environmental triggers and phenology-based management timings are presented, along with a discussion of appropriate cultural practices for disease control. A season-long approach for disease management, including key considerations for the incorporation of chemical and cultural management strategies are presented.
Grape Downy Mildew – Dr. Melanie Lewis Ivey, The Ohio State University
This presentation covers basic vine and oomycete biology for the management of grapevine downy mildew. Key environmental triggers and phenology-based management timings are presented, along with a discussion of appropriate cultural practices for disease control. A season-long approach for disease management, including key considerations for the incorporation of chemical and cultural management strategies are presented.
Workshop – Day Of Event
On the day of the workshop, a brief presentation on how to best approach spray programs will occur. Participants will then break into online groups and build a spray program based on a real-life scenario from either Ohio, or Pennsylvania for the management of powdery and downy mildew. Groups will then defend this initial spray program to the group, and the design will be discussed with participating experts and other workshop participants.
Following the building of that base spray program, groups will then be assigned an alternative weather scenario, and asked to adjust their spray programs accordingly. These adjustments will also be presented to the group for discussion and feedback.
Contact Information
For more information on the workshop please contact: FRAME team – Dr. Michelle Moyer (, or Dr. Charlotte Oliver (
For specific state issues please contact: Ohio – Dr. Melanie Lewis-Ivey (, Pennsylvania – Dr. Cain Hickey (
Other co-moderators for this event include Dr. Bryan Hed of Penn State, and Dr. Katie Gold of Cornell University.
Financial Support
Additional costs of this workshop are offset with financial support by:
- USDA-NIFA-SCRI Award No. 2018-03375 titled “FRAME: Fungicide Resistance Assessment, Mitigation and Extension Network for Wine, Table, and Raisin Grapes”
Anyone attending this program who requires auxiliary aids or services, please contact Michelle Moyer at 509-786-9234 or . Extension programs and employment are available to all without discrimination. Evidence of noncompliance may be reported through your local Extension office.