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By: Tom deHaas, AGNR Extension Educator Erie County, intro by Maria Smith, HCS-OSU

The following are republished updates from Tom deHaas on scouting and treatment efforts for the invasive Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) in northeast Ohio from June through August 2022. Currently, SLF infestations have been identified in 3 Ohio counties: Lorain, Cuyahoga, and Jefferson (Fig 1). However, individual SLFs have been found in other Ohio counties, and SLF infestations have been identified in Indiana and Michigan. Our collective goal continues to be limiting spread and minimizing population sizes by immediately reporting any suspected finds to the Ohio Department of Agriculture.

Fig 1. Distribution of SLF updated August 24, 2022. Image from New York State IPM

You'll see a recurring theme in this post, and it's SCOUT! SLF's appearance is most easily identifiable now that we are entering the time of year when SLF adults are emerging. In general, SLF are being found first on its main host, Ailanthus altissima (tree-of-heaven), but in some areas, as reported by Tom below, are also being found in grapes. Because of SLF's high affinity for grapes, it's important to add SLF into your routine vineyard scouting, since many Ohio vineyards are near rail corridors that may carry SLF and receive visitors from areas with known infestations. To aid scouting efforts ODA has provided a downloadable PDF checklist  of common items to inspect, especially if those items are coming from or going to counties with infestations. If you have further questions on the information provided below, please feel free to reach out to Tom deHaas at


Scouting and Spraying for Spotted Lanternfly in late June 2022 (Jul 6, 2022)

Multiple partners from Ohio Department of Agriculture, United States Department of Agriculture-Division of Forestry, The Ohio State University, Cleveland Metroparks, and USDA – APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) assemble to scout for Spotted Lanternfly in potentially infested areas in and around Cleveland – Cuyahoga County including Mill Creek Metropark, Paramelt, and St Joseph Cemetery. Additionally, and area in Amherst located in Lorain County was inspected and sprayed.

The group assembled on Tuesday, June 28th and 29th. Agency participation included from ODA, Dave Adkins and Scott Chelsa, USDA Division of Forestry Zoe Crist, Joe Ball, Ivich Fraser, and Taylor Dawes, USDA-Aphis Avi Eitam and Mark Hitchcox, Cleveland Metroparks Connie Hausman and Sarah Eysenbach, The Ohio State University Jim Jasinski, Ashley Leach, and Thomas deHaas. Scouting occurred on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The group surveyed Mill Creek Park on Tuesday morning. Visual inspections and trapping were used. A small number of 2nd instar nymphs were found at the site.

Next some of the group inspected Paramelt, a processing plant near West 117 in Cleveland. A number of nymphs were discovered including several 4th instar nymphs. Most numphs were found feeding on Tree of Heaven, but some were found on grapevines. Honeydew was present on several grape leaves

Next Saint Joseph Cemetery on the near east side of Cleveland was searched. A large population of nymphs was detected. The majority were found feeding on Tree of Heaven. They seemed to congregate in groups on the central leader as well as on the midvein of the leaves.

Finally, Amherst was scouted, and several nymphs were detected,

The sites at Paramelt, St Joseph and Amherst  were all sprayed to help control the spread.

Please continue to look for Spotted Lanternfly and contact Ohio Department of Agriculture if you detect it. Remember to take a picture and mark the location.

The following is a short video showing scouting and spraying:

We need your help. Keep Scouting!!!


City of Cleveland trains staff to scout for Spotted Lanternfly (Aug 11, 2022)

Cleveland Urban Forestry, Cleveland Division of Park Maintenance, Cleveland Metroparks, and The Ohio State University Extension Team Up to Teach employees to ‘SPOT’ Spotted Lanternfly.

Field Operation Forman, Arborists, Park Maintenance Staff, Unit Leaders and Managers from Cleveland spent Thursday afternoon, learning how to scout for Spotted Lanternfly at an active infestation at Mohican Park in Cleveland.

Jennifer Kipp-Cleveland Urban Forestry, Perrin Verzi-Cleveland Division of Park Maintenance, Connie Hausman and Megan Powell-Cleveland Metroparks, and Thomas deHaas-The Ohio State University Extension, led a tour of the infestation. Over 20 staff attended which is a credit to the leadership of the group.

Staff saw up close Adults and 4th instar nymphs on Tree of Heaven and on Grapevines and were able to see where they were feeding.

The goal was to teach how to scout and identify Spotted Lanternfly and favored host plants.

The insect will not bite but has been known to negatively impact vineyards in Pennsylvania.

Staff was provided ID cards with a QR code to send reports to the Ohio Department of Agriculture.

Many scouts will help identify locations of infestations.



Treating Spotted Lanternfly in Cleveland (Aug 25, 2022)

Ohio Department of Agriculture sprayed an infestation of Spotted Lanternfly on the West Side of Cleveland at Mohican Park.

An infestation was detected several weeks ago and the City of Cleveland – Division of Forestry, granted permission to spray the invasive pest.

Several hot spots were detected and treated to help control the spread of Spotted Lanternfly.

Scouting for the pest continues with help from the Ohio Department of Agriculture, Cleveland Metroparks, City of Cleveland, and The Ohio State University Extension.

Adults were found on Tree of Heaven and on Wild Grape vines. The pest continues to spread and threatens grape growers and orchards.

The insect will not hurt people but sucks the life out of fruit trees and vines.

Continue to look for the insect and report findings to ODA at 614-728-6400.


Posted In: Insect management, Viticulture
Tags: SLF, Viticulture, Entomology
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